How a VAV Box Manufacturer Can Optimize Your Variable Air Volume System?

February 12, 2016 9:33 am Published by

When it comes to VAV or variable air volume boxes, reduced functionality can sometimes be an issue. At certain points during the lifetime of a variable air volume box, inspections are required and must be carried out, which usually digs out inefficiencies in its functioning when it gets tested. In this situation the best way to proceed from this point is to ready the VAV box for optimization.

Almost every VAV box manufacturer has an established process ready to upgrade variable air volume systems and optimize them by maximizing the efficiency of its parts. The subsequent benefits of this are most notably energy savings, along with increased efficiency of operation that results in longer lasting quality functioning, fewer needed repairs, and easily passed inspections and testing. A VAV box manufacturer sets the goal in a variable air volume system’s optimization strategy to enable all the different parts that make up the variable air volume system to operate in the most effective way possible without compromising on efficiency in the slightest. These parts include the chiller, the air handling unit, the cooling tower, and others. One may also need to account for the odd fire damper included in the system.

One way to make the system as a whole more efficient is by identifying the most problematic zone in the building’s system of variable air volume boxes. Since each box controls the temperature in their own zone, the worst performing VAV box can be easily identified by observing airflow by an automated system. Then, through resetting the static pressure, one can reduce the speed of the supply fan, thereby reducing the load. Once this load drops, the air temperature is reset so that less chilled water is needed.

In a nutshell, a lower static set point is created and then maintained, which reduces the fan’s speed. Through this method of optimization you can make energy savings from 3% to 8%. If your VAV system is part of a Building Automated System, your optimization does not come at any additional charge.

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This post was written by KAD Air Conditioning

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